
obesity and cosmetic clinic LONDON 2017-2018

obesity and cosmetic clinic LONDON 2017-2018

Dear Custumors,

Our new office at Devonshire place 35 in London is ready . We've moved to the first floor in close corporation with The Harley Street Dermatologic Clinic to improve our services. The clinic will be open every other Friday with exception of Friday 27/10 . We will organize a clinic on Wednesday 25/10 from 10am till 2pm .

Looking forward to welcome you all at our new facilities in the future.

UK: Public do not recognise link between obesity and cancer

UK: Public do not recognise link between obesity and cancer

The majority of people in the United Kingdom do not understand the connection between weight issues and cancer, according to a study by Cancer Research UK. Despite the fact that 63% of the English and 67% of the Scottish adult population is overweight, only 25.4% of this population listed cancer as a health issue related to being overweight when asked an unprompted question.

Short-term intragastric balloon treatment improves quality of life

Short-term intragastric balloon treatment improves quality of life

Six-month treatment with intragastric balloon (IGB) was associated with significant weight loss and improvements in obese individuals with metabolic syndrome in their health-related quality of life (HRQoL), according to researchers from Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. They reported that weight loss parameters were associated with short-term improvements in HRQoL, although only total fat was independently related to HRQOL perception.